Christina & Tyler Roy Foundation
Click To DonateOur Mission
“Guided by Christina and Tyler’s love of family and desire for children of their own, our non-profit organization assists families in times of need. While remaining flexible in our approach, we raise money to support charities focused on providing comfort, relief, and security for children and their families.”
About Christina & Tyler
On October 15, 2016, Christina Celenza and Tyler Roy were married. 563 days later on May 1, 2018, they walked through the gates of heaven together. The Christina and Tyler Roy Foundation was set-up by both the Celenza and Roy families to honor the lives of two incredible people who were taken from us too early in a senseless act of violence. Our wounds run deep, but we wish to make a difference in this world in their name. Tyler and Christina had kind and generous hearts, they always sought to make a positive impression on everyone they met. The donations we receive through their foundation will continue their kind and caring legacy. Just like they did, we will strive to positively impact and improve the lives of those in need.

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